Hidden Lake Farm - Beefalo
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About Our Farm

Our farm is a Michigan Centenial Farm, having been in Ray's family since 1879.

Our Beefalo Production History:

We began raising Beefalo in 1979.  At first, we only intended to produce enough animals to provide meat for our own consumption.  Soon, our friends and neighbors began asking us about buying meat animals and breeding stock. 
In 1982 we began our commercial operation.  Our farm produced the first fullblood Beefalo bull born in the state of Michigan.  We now have a selection of fullblood and percentage Beefalo breeding stock available for sale or lease.  We also have registered Beefalo meat animals for sale.
The diet of our Beefalo consists primarily of grass pasture and hay.  We use no chemical fertilizers,  pesticides or growth implants.

One of our Beefalo calves.

Part of the thundering herd

Our Other Critters:

In addition to our herd of Beefalo beef cattle, we have a few other critters who call Hidden Lake Farm their home. 
Jo is a proud partner with Faina, a registered 1/2 Morgan, 1/2 Arab mare.  They enjoy trail riding during the spring, summer and fall months.


Our Farm

Hidden Lake Farm consists of both woodland and cropland with a small stream winding its way through the heart of the acreage.  There is an abundance of wildlife:  whitetailed deer, pheasants, wood ducks, woodcock, rabbits, raccoons, and more.
At one time, there was a small lake located on the property.  Local legend claims that the lake disappeared during one night following a severe thunderstorm. 


Hidden Lake Farm * Ray & Jo Kelly * 616-899-5553